A new set of five questions emerged on March 1st, 2022! If you’d like to send us your answers to these questions at fivequestions@geekswithoutgod.com or 5questions@geekswithoutgod.com, we will read them on the air and send you a Geeks Without God sticker!

1)  What is a game you have played recently you really enjoyed?

This can be for any definition of game that you prefer. It can be a physical game like raquietball, a board game, a video game, or something else.

2) What science fact or discovery do you think is really fucking cool?

Science is cool! Tell us what your favorite science thing is!

3) Where do you get your sense of right and wrong from, because we know it isn’t religion?

4) If you could build a robot to perfectly perform one chore/task for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

5) What is a movie or TV show you think everyone should watch?

Doesn’t have to be current. Just has to be something you think is too good for anyone to pass up.

If you are interested, below are all of our old sets of five questions.

1) What Conspiracy Theory do you find most interesting/compelling?

There are a few ways to interpret this question and we leave it open to your interpretation.  You could tell us which conspiracy theory you think is most likely to be correct.  You could also tell us which one you find fascinating for whatever reason you think it is fascinating.  It could also be the conspiracy theory that annoys you the most so it is one you think about more than others.  You pick!

2) What is your perfect two week vacation?

Money is no obstacle but physics is.  You can’t go to Mars for two weeks because that is not possible.  It needs to be a vacation you can actually, physically, take.

3) What’s a movie or book that changed your life and how or why?

We are all geeks and often one of the things that makes us a geek is the impact our geek loves have on who we are.  So tell us about something that had a profound impact on who you are.  If you can’t think of a movie or a book but you can think of a TV show, that’s OK too!

4)  What is the geekiest thing you have ever done or said?

When did you take something you loved and push it to eleven?

5) What’s your favorite hangover cure?

It could be one you’ve never tried but think sounds super interesting.  It could be one that works super well for you.  If you are Tim, it could just be not drinking.

We have two retired sets of five questions.  If you’d like to know what they are, read on!

1) What is a movie you will stop and watch any time it is on?

We aren’t asking you for a favorite movie (though it may be).  Rather, we want to know what movie can draw you in no matter how many times you’ve seen it.

2) What is your Geekiest or most prized possession?

You know you own something awesome that everyone else wants.  What is it?

3) Which Supernatural or all powerful being do you wish was real?

You can refer to historical deities (Thor, Zeus) or fictional ones (Cthulhu).  Yes, we recognize that Thor is also fictional.  Work with us here.

4) Say Religion is gone.  What is the biggest problem that now faces humanity?

This question does not presume that Religion is the biggest problem facing humanity.  A theist might answer this question by saying “the absence of religion.”  An atheist may think religion is a big problem but still not as big as climate change.  On the other hand, if religion is out of the equation, it is possible women’s rights would make huge advances.  Interesting hypothetical, right?

5)  What is your favorite quote?

Make sure you source it correctly!  Or at least pretend you did.

E-mail us your answers at fivequestions@geekswithoutgod.com or 5questions@geekswithoutgod.com!

Note: below are our original five questions in case you want to reminisce about the old days.

1)  What is the best movie you’ve seen in the last thirty days?

This can be in the movie theater or at home, on  Netflix or DVD.  It can be the first time you’ve watched something or the fifteenth time.  Just tell us a little about the movie and why you liked it.

2)  Who is your favorite atheist character?

Yeah, this one is tricky.  There aren’t a lot of them., but there are more than you think.  We’ve heard about characters from books, movies, TV series, comics and even video games.

Agnostic characters are also acceptable – but kind of a cop out.

3)  What is your geekiest hobby?

Which of your hobbies is so geeky, other geeks would be a little bit shocked and, perhaps, impressed?

4)  What is your favorite sandwich?

Specifics are required.  What kind of bread?  Mayo or Miracle Whip?  Toasted or cold? This stuff is important.

5)  What is the stupidest thing anyone has said to you about your atheism/agnosticism?

And why do you think it was so stupid?


If you want us to read your answers on the air, you can send an e-mail to fivequestions@geekswithoutgod.com.  We’ll put your answers in the queue and when it is your turn, we’ll read them on the air!

Then, eventually, we’ll post all the answers on this page.  That sounds like a lot of work, though, so don’t be surprised if that takes us a while.

18 Responses

  1. 1) What is the best movie you’ve seen in the last thirty days?
    “Rango” and the making of short, “Rango & ILM: Perfect Asymmetry” (both on Netflix). A movie about stories, which is the best kind of movie to make. Gore Verbinski should stick to doing animated features, as his live-action work gets stretched to the point of snapping by the demands of his imagination.

    2) Who is your favorite atheist character?
    Granny Weatherwax, from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels. Witches on the Disc absolutely know the gods are real, but they don’t worship them. They do their best to avoid any sort of contact with supernatural beings. Here’s Granny, talking to her partner in witching, Nanny Ogg: “I don’t hold with paddlin’ with the occult,” said Granny firmly. “Once you start paddlin’ with the occult you start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in demons, and then before you know where you are you’re believing in gods. And then you’re in trouble.”
”But all them things exist,” said Nanny Ogg.
”That’s no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages ’em.”

    3) What is your geekiest hobby?
    I like designing books. I’ve started converting public domain texts from the Gutenberg Project into print & ebook layouts, for fun and for practical experience.

    4) What is your favorite sandwich?
    Rye bread, margarine (just enough to keep the bread from getting soggy), Gulden’s mustard, and my grandmother’s baked beans. I still haven’t been able to recreate the beans, as it requires washing the beans, soaking them overnight, washing them AGAIN, and then cooking them in a casserole with ketchup, molasses, brown sugar, etc., in a low oven for about eight hours. She only made the beans for Thanksgiving, so it was a once-a-year treat.

    5) What is the stupidest thing anyone has said to you about your atheism/agnosticism?
    No one has actually said anything outright stupid about my lack of belief. My mom does occasionally push a bit, but it’s never anything stupid or annoying.

  2. We ask all of our guests these questions and we invite listeners to send in their answers. But what are these five questions? What are the guidelines? Here, at long last, is a primer!
    1) What is the best movie you’ve seen in the last thirty days?
    Matrix, the first one.
    This can be in the movie theater or at home, on Netflix or DVD. It can be the first time you’ve watched something or the fifteenth time. Just tell us a little about the movie and why you liked it.
    2) Who is your favorite atheist character?
    God, after all who would he worship? Himself? I don’t think so. (Just kidding, but it gets you thinking…)

    Any atheist who just does not bring up religion, just respects others opinions, but moves with the facts at hand. Maybe Mel from Firefly.
    Yeah, this one is tricky. There aren’t a lot of them., but there are more than you think. We’ve heard about characters from books, movies, TV series, comics and even video games.
    Agnostic characters are also acceptable – but kind of a cop out.
    3) What is your geekiest hobby?
    Not sure where to begin…. Collecting old D&D books…. Comics…. Autographs…. Working out a defense matrix on a space station in a game and maximize the yield of the Moon harvesting….. (Eve online)…. Although tempted, I have not exactly done COSplay…

    There are many I do not let out in the public, but most center on collecting and fond memories of favorite books or movies…
    Which of your hobbies is so geeky, other geeks would be a little bit shocked and, perhaps, impressed?
    4) What is your favorite sandwich?
    Dakota 12 grain bread, 2 slices of beef bologna, 2 slices of cotto salami, and lots of velvetta cheese, and bread covered in Miracle whip. (meats face the bread with cheese in middle)….
    Specifics are required. What kind of bread? Mayo or Miracle Whip? Toasted or cold? This stuff is important.
    5) What is the stupidest thing anyone has said to you about your atheism/agnosticism?
    Well, when I played D&D I was often told as a kid the books were going to kill me. To which I asked: “You mean the Monster Manual is going to jump off the table and give me one heck of a paper cut???”

    Forcing them to explain Satanism and other magical/miracle stuff allowed me to turn to them and say how they are insane believing in such things. That everything in the game is imagination, not reality, and I am well founded in my mind in reality.

    They by the time I was done would start mumbling hateful words under their breath as I made them feel ridiculous. And I would smirk, knowing they will not go so far as to temp the men from the rubber room to show up.

    And why do you think it was so stupid?

  3. Thanks to both of you who’ve left your responses here as a comment. I will make sure to put them in queue. No need to resubmit. 🙂

    For the rest of you, please EMAIL your answers to us at fivequestions@geekswithoutgod.com

    It’s much, much easier for us if you email them in.

  4. 1. Coming To America. The movie is just one good joke after another, and its Eddie Murphy at the height of his powers
    2. My money collection from my travels. Much of which is no longer circulated due to political change and inflation.
    3. Indiana Jones, Adventure, travel, history, geography, women What is not to love!
    4 Economic Inequality, Religion helps keep the system working as people believe they will receive their reward in the afterlife. With religion gone, people would be less content to keep the status quo.
    5. “You can;t go home again” I have moved a lot in my life, and though often nostalgic for past experiences in certain places, they can never be repeated upon return.

  5. 1. I don’t know if anyone has asked this but do you have any recommendations for shows or movies to watch?
    2. What is a go to show you have watched over and over again?
    3. What is a favorite table top game you like to play?
    4. What kind of DnD character fits you best?
    5. How many books have you read in a day?

  6. 1) What Conspiracy Theory do you find most interesting/compelling?

    That Jews are looking to bring in communism. I find this funny as the same idiots that believe this theory will also tell you how good the Jews are at buisness.

    2) What is your perfect two week vacation?

    Island hoping between resorts in the Fuji islands with the family.

    3) What’s a movie or book that changed your life and how or why?
    Joe Versus the Volcano, its a great movie that’s reminds one to live your life to the max, and not become a prisioner of the system. I have to watch this movie regularly to help me refocus on what’s important

    4) What is the geekiest thing you have ever done or said? Let’s save the baby cart wheels, I bet we can use them for a cool pully system.

    When did you take something you loved and push it to eleven?

    5) What’s your favorite hangover cure? Water and a banana

    It could be one you’ve never tried but think sounds super interesting. It could be one that works

    Five for you.
    1. What movie or TV character would you say most reflects you.

    2. Turns out you where wrong. There is a hell. What family or friend is there with you, and what’s on TV.

    3. Your significant other is going to die, you can push a bitten that will safe them,but kill a random person. Would you push the button.

    4. If you could live anywhere, where and why.

    5. If you had to look like someone else, who would it be.

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