Geeks Without God features three geeky atheist comedians based in Minnesota. We talk about geek stuff through a secular lens. Sometimes. Other times we just geek out all over the place. We enjoy bringing in both secular and religious guests to talk about everything from our favorite TV shows, video games, and books to secularism in politics.
We also make jokes.
New podcasts come out every Tuesday morning.

Molly has never quite fit in, but once she embraced that, shit got a whole lot easier. She has a filthy mouth because she doesn’t believe that any word is off limits. Besides, “fuck” is far too fun to say. She stopped believing in god when she was 12 but it took several more years to finally realize she is an atheist. read more

nick glover
What’s got two thumbs and loves comic books? Nick. When he’s not being an asshole to people online or discussing the differences between Marvel’s sliding timescale and DC’s static timeline, he’s usually found at work, keeping the internet running so that folks like you can read this. You’re welcome. read more

Tim Wick
Tim was raised by Catholic parents and considered himself a Christian for much of his first 20 years. He explored New Age Paganism for a few years and settled comfortably into agnosticism. Eventually, he concluded that the odds against the existence of god were astronomical, so he started calling himself an atheist. read more