Episode 97 – The Munchkin Czar

This week we sat down with Molly’s cousin Andrew Hackard.  He works for Steve Jackson Games and has the awesome title of Munchkin Czar!  Given that fact, you’d think we’d spend the entire episode taking about Munchkin.  Why would we do that?  That’s his day job!  Instead, we talk about the latest board games we’ve […]

Episode 96 – Captain America Boners

This week’s episode is another installment of Geeky boners!  We have a lot of big ones and a few small ones.  Tim spends time yakking about his latest writing projects, Molly yaks about a game she is playing, and Nick yaks about home pass. Then everyone starts yakking about the awesomeness that is Captain America: […]

Episode 95 – The Soft Touch

This week’s episode was recorded over the long Die Laughing weekend so if your co-hosts sound a little tired, it’s because we’d gotten very little sleep.  In between live recordings with Patrick Bauer and Elizabeth Ess, we snuck up to Tim’s hotel room to record an episode with Ben San Del.  Ben is an atheist […]

Episode 94 – Cosmos

This week, we talk about the Cosmos, old and new.  Tim remembers watching the original “Cosmos” with his dad back in the 80’s and remembers Carl Sagan’s simple question of “why not save a step” as one of the many influences on his road to atheism.  We talk mostly about the new series starring Neil […]

Episode 93 – Lady Parts and Gay Issues

This week’s episode was recorded live at Die Laughing.  It features comedian Elizabeth Ess talking about the Supreme Court and Hobby Lobby.  They sell yarn, in case you didn’t know.  They also really don’t want to be “forced” to provide certain kinds of contraception to their employees.  While we were talking to Elizaabeth about serious […]

Episode 91 – All About Puppets

This week’s guest is puppeteer Gordon Smuder!  He is probably best known for producing Transylvania Television, but he has worked with puppets for a large part of his adult life.  We talk with Gordon about his work in the field along with a few projects he has coming up, including one that has Tim as […]

Episode 90 – The Return of Arrogant Atheists

This week, we double back to the topic we spent some time on in Episode 82.  Are atheists more arrogant that theists or agnostics or any other subset of people who choose to speak their mind?  Is using your religion as a political tool and less arrogant?  Is the simple belief that you are right […]

Episode 84 – Creationism vs. Evolution

We recorded this episode while Bill Nye was debating Creationism with Ken Ham.  We know a lot of our listeners were watching the debate last week but we decided instead to talk about our feelings about creationism and why we didn’t think the debate was a great idea.  Response since we recorded the episode has […]

Episode 82 – The Arrogance of Atheists

This week we are joined by our friend Mark Lazarchic to talk about why he does not admit he is an atheist.  His reasons are not new or unique, which is not to say they lack justification.  We talk with him about the perceived and actual behavior of the atheists he knows as well as […]

Episode 56 – Minnesota Fringe Festival

Round Minnesota parts, the theatrical orgy known as the Fringe Festival is about to start!  Tim has been deeply involved in the festival for the last several years so we brought in former guest Joshua Humprey, himself quite the Fringe junkie, to talk about the event.  Josh and Tim get pretty nerdy with the details […]