Episode 139 – Boners at School
We have a whole new set of geeky boners to share with everyone this week. Tim has a couple of mini boners about gaming and British TV series. Molly has a far more impressive boner involving a new favorite podcast. Nick has a gigantic boner about going back to school. Of course we have a […]
Episode 138 – Out at Work
This week’s episode features our friend Andy Wilkins, who has several experiences coming out at work. She’s come out as atheist, a gay man and finally a transgender woman. We talk about the differences in those experiences and the challenges in coming out at work versus friends and family. Of course Andy also gets a […]
Episode 136 – Euthanasia
We have a very heavy topic this week that was inspired by the loss of a couple of pets. Why, we wondered, is there very little moral ambiguity around ending the life of a pet who is suffering but a great deal when we are talking about a thinking, reasoning person? We talk about the […]
Episode 135 – Religion in the UK
This week we are joined by our friend Elliot James. Born and raised in England, Elliot talks with us about the differences in how religion is viewed in the UK vs. the United States. He’s had some harrowing close calls due to IRA bombings and other conflicts that may, or may not have to do […]
Episode 133 – Calendars
This week’s episode brings our friend Jon Olsen to the basement studios for a conversation about calendars. Jon has a long held interest in how we mark time and it makes for a broad conversation topic. We even learn why the seventh day of the week isn’t a Sunday! Jon also has the distinction of […]
Episode 132 – Nous Sommes Charlie
This week we talked about the shocking massacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices in France. We explore a lot of different reactions to the situation, some more understandable than others. Is Islam somehow more dangerous than other religions? And should satire have limitations? We try – and mostly fail – to make sense of a […]
Episode 131 – Holy Wars
This week we get together with our friend David Elwyn Traylor to talk about holy wars. The central question is whether or not religion drives people to commit despicable acts or if it is merely one potential means to an end. We manage to do little more than scrape the surface of so broad a […]
Episode 130 – Farewell 2014
The past year had it’s ups and downs and we spend this episode reviewing as many of them as we can remember. We take a few moments to remember our good friend Bill Young, who passed away just a short while ago. The year started out really well for all of us but we are […]
Episode 129 – The War on Christmas
For this week’s episode, we go to War on Christmas! The worst fears of the Christian right are realized as asshole atheists crap all over their holiday! Actually, that’s not what happens at all. Instead, we talk about the bullshit war on Christmas and why a lot of atheists (including us) really like the holiday. […]
Episode 127 – Left Behind 2014
Left Behind has become something of a running gag on our podcast. Having watched Kirk Cameron’s version of this popular Christian fable and suffered through the atrocious board game, we turned our gaze towards the newest iteration starring Oscar winner Nicholas Cage. In spite of a considerably higher budget, the film managed to achieve what […]