Episode 512 – Bridgerton Season 2

This week, we are joined by our resident Bridgerton expert, Pat Wick! She reviews season 2 with us and as an expert on the books, tells us all the differences between the story of Anthony and Kate from the books and the story in the Netflix series! Bosoms will heave!

Episode 511 – Murder Mysteries

With the recent release of “Death on the Nile,” we got to thinking about murder mysteries. We all enjoy a good murder mystery and we talk ab bit about why we find them appealing, what first got us interested, and some books, movies and TV shows that are some of our favorites. Please be warned, […]

Episode 510 – Unions

This week, we have our friend Amanda Greenhart who is a treasurer with her union (AFSCME) on to talk with us about organizing and unions. The Minneapolis Teachers recently resolved their strike and we wanted to take a broader look at what unions do, why they are important, and what is being done to blunt […]

Episode 509 – Easter

This week, we are talking about Easter. It’s one of those religious holidays we all experience but after 500 episodes, we’ve never talked about. We talk about our memories of how we celebrated Easter when we were young and Tim talks a bit about what he did with his kids. Can we still eat chocolate […]

Episode 508 – The Batman

This week, we are taking a look at the newest DC film – “The Batman!” in a continuing trend, Batman seems to be the only hero DC can make a decent movie about and they make some really good and interesting choices in the latest reboot of the character. We talk over what we really […]

Episode 507 – Ghostbusters

This week, we aren’t afraid of no ghosts (because they don’t exist)! We are going to talk about the Ghostbusters franchise, inspired by the the recently released “Ghostbusters Afterlife,” which we all did not really like. We use it as a springboard, though, to look at a movie that had a strong impact on all […]

Episode 506 – Book of Boba Fett

This week, we take a look at the newest Disney + Star Wars series – The Book of Boba Fett! Right now, there has been no official word on a second season so it could be a stand along saga about everyone’s favorite bounty hunter. We take a hard look at the show and talk […]

Episode 505 – Are Geeks Cool?

We all remember when we Geeks were the outsiders. The weirdos. But now the MCU is crazy popular and it feels more and more like the cool people are geeks. Is that really true? Are geeks cool? Or does it just seem that way because we all remember when we weren’t and it feels so […]

Episode 504 – Our Own Private Churches

We got to thinking that religious people get to proselytize but we atheists never do. So we have formed our own churches. Churches where you can worship things that actually make a difference in your lives. Why worship non existent gods when you can worship road trips or snow removal or making your bed in […]

Episode 503 – Check out our Boners

It’s time for another Geeky Boners episode! For those new to the podcast, Geeky Boners episodes are all about something we are really excited about whenever we are recording the episode. This week we are talking about sign language, knife making, and libraries. We also answer five new questions from a listener as we’ve been […]