Episode 21 – Drunk Molly

In our second episode recorded live at OmegaCon 2012, Molly is, somehow, even more drunk than she was in Episode 19.  So was Nick, mind you, but he didn’t talk about it as much.  Tim wasn’t drunk so that might explain why he did most of the talking. Tim talked about a trip he was […]

Episode 19 – OmegaCon Boners

This episode was recorded live at OmegaCon 2012.  Molly and Nick had been drinking rather extensively and they brought along a drink for other folks to try, the sonic screwdriver.  Tim even tried it and he hardly ever drinks (there’s a picture on our Facebook page – which you could like if you wanted to)!  He […]

Live Recording at OmegaCon

Hey all you OmegaCon slackers out there!  We decided that since OmegaCon is our number one November Geeky Boner, why not just record our November Geeky Boner episode at OmegaCon? And as long as we were going to record at the convention, we thought we’d do another live recording.  Just like our first two episodes at CONvergence, […]