Molly has never quite fit in, but once she embraced that, shit got a whole lot easier. She has a filthy mouth because she doesn’t believe that any word is off limits. Besides, “fuck” is far too fun to say. She doesn’t consider herself having been raised in a religious family, yet her family has been active in the Catholic church, the Lutheran church, and the Methodist church in the past. She stopped believing in god when she was 12 but it took several more years to finally realize she is an atheist.

She self-describes as a New Atheist, or anti-theist, because she truly believes religion and theism do more harm than good in this world. She wishes r/atheism was more content and fewer image memes with stupid quotes on them. She once pissed off a bunch of people when she said she loses some respect for those who believe in god/are religious, regardless of how much she loves and likes them as individual people. (Hey, if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.)
Molly performs with Vilification Tennis as an insult comedian, having won the amateur show competition in April 2012. She has finally realized her dream of working out at the Renaissance Festival. (Yes. Life-long dream. Shut the fuck up, it’s awesome.) She loves Doctor Who, Fringe, Lost, Life on Mars, Misfits, X-Files, The Big Bang Theory, Community, and most all the other good weird geeky television out there these days. She will happily talk your ear off about Marvel comics (Earth-616 only, she doesn’t read Ultimates) and never backs down from a nerd debate.

In high school, Molly lettered in debate, cross-country running, theater, and track. She almost lettered in competitive bridge, but she was kicked out of a tournament for fancy dealing. She loves Magic: the Gathering, but you probably can beat her unless she draws lucky. She works for a board game publisher, spends her days steeped in all things geeky, and has played more Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon than probably anyone you know.
Molly and her husband Nick have two cats, a dog, and a ferret. The former are conspirators, the dog is kind of an asshole, and the ferret is just plain trouble. Molly tries every year to do a photo-a-day blog but always fizzles out around March. If you want to see some pictures, check out A Molly A Day. Follow her on Twitter @Voo.
You guys just read my five question answers on your show recently, thanks. Two things: thank you for being kind in your reading of them; I looked back on my draft and realized I should not have depended so much on spell/grammar check (and should have left out the wine.) Second: I mentioned I just discovered your podcast. I thought I had nerd-like characteristics, but after listening for several months, I now understand I’m not in your guys ballpark (sorry for the sports analogy.) Half the time I have no idea about the discussion topic, but I still enjoy them because of your enthusiasm and humor. In short, you guys are just plain fun. It makes the shows I have knowledge of all the more sweeter. I’ll be sure to go over to iTunes and give a very positive review. Thanks again for making my workday a little more enjoyable.