In case you missed it, a few weeks ago CNN aired a special report on atheists entitled Atheists: Inside the World of Nonbelievers. We watched the special report, took notes and then sat down to share a small percentage of those notes with our listeners. Parts of the report we just fine. Other parts were annoying. Overall, it was a mixed bag. Keeping in mind that it was made to help believers understand the world of those who do not, we thought it was definitely worth the watch.
If you want to see it for yourself, here is a link!
Damn you! I’ve been looking for that sound effect for years, and now I just hear you using it willy nilly?
Fuck this shit, I’m leaving.
Seriously though, where did you find that effect? I once heard it in a Sherlock Holmes spoof, and I would love to be able to use it myself.
Mo Rocca did a fantastic piece on atheism on CBS Sunday Morning (aired a few weeks after the CNN piece) that really puts the CNN special to shame.
Mo covers more ground and has more representation in 10 minutes than CNN had in 45.
Worth a watch:
Try googling “Dun Dun Dun sound effect” and your life will be full of riches.