This week, we start by geeking out over the latest Star Wars news for a while. Then Molly tells us about a comic title that has been holding her interest recently. Then Tim gets started talking about the Oscars and we spend a very long time talking about Oscar movies, Oscar actors and Oscar hosts. We talk about the Oscars for a really long time. Oscar Oscar Oscar! We get all sorts of stuff wrong so see the show notes for fact checks! Tim also brings up a moment in Lincoln that bothered him. Then we read Christian Fredrickson’s answers to our five questions.
Show notes are below the fold:
In case you’ve been living under a rock, here is some information about J J Abrams and Star Wars.
Also, if you want to know more about Michael Arndt, you can go to his IMDB page!
Molly’s geeky boner is the comic series Saga.
Here’s a useful link to the 2013 Oscar nominations.
In case you haven’t heard of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, here’s some info.
Tim was totally wrong, by the way, Ben Affleck was not in Gone Baby Gone.
Moonrise Kingdom is actually nominated for Best Screenplay.
Here’s proof that Nick Angel is an agnostic.
And a few pictures of Christian’s Papercraft:

I’m so envious of that chest. It’s *gorgeous!
Oh eff yes. Saga is amazing. I have been slapping people around with my raging hard-on over this for months now. Geeky boner high five!
Woooo! Slap them boners.
As a counter to the religiosity in Lincoln, did you notice that Lincoln’s youngest kid was babbling about evolution? (He says something about beaks and finches when the older brother first comes home.) I thought it was a nice nod to the fact that Lincoln and Darwin shared a birthdate.
Yes. I did like that!
I do want to be clear that I didn’t object to the religion in the film. It was historically accurate. No problem there.
Rather, I was bothered by the fact that it is human nature to thank GOD when it is PEOPLE who are responsible for the good thing that happened. It is one of the things I find insidious about religion because of the way it implies we aren’t capable of good deeds without the intervention of god.
Late getting to this. One comment. I do not understand the raves about Anne Hathaway for Best Supporting Actress. It was too small of a role in a crappy film. She had maybe five minutes of screen time. And the film as a whole was an abortion. Without Sacha Baron Cohen it would be unwatchable. We already knew Russell Crowe cannot act and now we know he cannot sing either. Moonrise Kingdom should have been nominated over it.
I agree that Moonrise Kingdom was a better movie, for sure. I disagree that Anne Hathaway was anything less than amazing. The passion she brought to a very well-known song, the subtle ways she made it her own; those things alone make her deserving of the nod. She also worked very hard physically for that role, and I think that should always be recognized. However, I agree that I could probably find another actress to get nominated in the Supporting category who was at least as deserving, and who spent more time on screen.