18k1cgty5wueujpgThis week we get together with our friend David Elwyn Traylor to talk about holy wars.  The central question is whether or not religion drives people to commit despicable acts or if it is merely one potential means to an end.  We manage to do little more than scrape the surface of so broad a topic so feel free to continue the conversation in the comment section if you are so inclined.  After we cut our main conversation short, David gets to ask us five questions.

Show notes below the fold:

Obviously, we don’t know everything about the Church of England and what we do know is probably wrong so here’s more information if you want to read it.


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2 Responses

  1. Here are my answers to David’s questions:
    1) We few, we happy few, we band of brothers – from Henry V – often quoted within my family.
    3) Can I pick a fictional religion? I like the hats from the religion of the cat race in Red Dwarf – cardboard Hot Dog Vendor hats with humerous arrows through them.
    5) The only time I like really thin fries is with a sandwich.

  2. First, Molly is so right about cultural aspects of religion. My family is Jewish and I still consider myself culturally Jewish. If I turned my back on that it feels like I’d also be turning my back on the slavery, the scapegoating, the Holocaust, and the family that never emigrated out of Russia that I will probably never know.

    Second, David you might be my favorite guest ever because Shakespeare! Titus Adronicus is fantastic. I saw it at the Globe this past summer! Be jealous.

    1. Hard to pick a favorite quote. It mostly depends on my mood. For now I’ll choose this gem from Macbeth, “I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more, is none” I just love the language so it’s really hard to pick a favorite.

    2. I agree with Tim, Reagan was probably playing to the party.

    3. I do like the colander. His noodleyness has the best head gear.

    4.samurai sword. They are light and super sharp. They didn’t give gladiators great armor so I think this would do the most damage the fastest. They are also long enough that I could probably keep an arms distance away.

    5.depends on the sandwich but I love Rudolph’s Cole Slaw and think it can go with anything.

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